; Kroger Wireless - Affordable Cellphone Plans from $15/Mo

why should i switch?

With Kroger Wireless, you save money on your cell phone bill and even your gas! You can keep the same phone, same number and get 4X Fuel Points on all plan purchases.

what do i need?

With Kroger Wireless, you have the ability to buy what you need, when you need it - nothing more, nothing less.

Step 1

Choose Phone

Choose from our wide variety of phones (or bring your own compatible phone).

Step 2

Choose Plan

Choose the annual/monthly plan that fits your specific needs. Save 20% with our annual plans.

Step 3


Insert the KW SIM card into your phone and follow the text with instructions on how to activate.

Prepaid Cell Phone Plans

Kroger Wireless plans earn 4X Kroger Fuel Points

Bring your own phone

Already have a phone that you love? Bring it with you! Go to Check Phone Eligibility and get started today.

Check Phone Eligibility